Since I began a new special education teaching position this year, I have also acquired a new caseload. To get organized before the school year started, I created and found forms to organize and learn about my students' IEPs.
Looking over the IEPs, I wanted to make my own notes (outline) of what was in the IEP. Yes, there is IEP at the Glance at the end of the document you can print out (if you use SEIS), but I personally remember information better by writing my own notes... more work, but, it help me stayed organized!
The sections are for the present levels of the student. You can add your own notes on the bottom!
I keep these in the front of their IEP Goal Binder (post about that will be later!).
I also like to give all other teachers and staff who work with my students (P.E., librarian, principal, yard duty, teacher they work with if mainstreamed... ANYONE who works with my students) an IEP at a Glance. This helps them not only know the student's disability(ies) but also helps them become aware of their academic and social levels and skills, their goals they are working on, and any behaviors they should be aware of when working with them.
I received this format from a colleague I worked with last year. On the top, I summarize their likes and dislikes (strengths/weaknesses). I summarize and list their goals, accommodations, and present levels. On the bottom, I list their related services such as speech or OT.
Very straightforward - simple & easy!
I was trying to figure out how to upload them as PDFs or as Docs, but as of right now I can't figure out how to do that on Blogger, thus the jpeg. Email me if you would like the Doc or PDF version! :)